
Thursday, February 3, 2011

JW Energy Juicing : Dragon Fruit Juice

Dragon Fruit Juice
Dragon Fruit itself has high water content and natural sweetness, hence Dragon Fruit Juice is delicious in taste and soothing to drink.
Red dragon fruit contains a protein that can increase metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health; fiber (to prevent colon cancer, diabetes and diet); carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent the entry of the disease), calcium (bone strengthening). Dragon Fruit Juice has highh nutritional valur that boosts metabolism and improves health.

Dragon Fruit Nutrilition and Health Benefits
Research shows the red dragon fruit is excellent for the circulatory system, also gives the effect of reducing the emotional pressures and neutralize toxic in the blood. Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing high cholesterol content in blood, and reduce levels of fat in body,

Nutritional Benefits of Dragron Fruit :
1. Very Rich in Vitamin C and Fibre
2. Helps to control level of glucose blood sugar in Type B Diabetes
3. It enhances body metabolism rate due to its protein content

How to prepare for the Dragon Fruit Juice :
1. Dragon Fruit, 1/2 pc
2. Honey, 2 Tsp
3. Nutrilite Pack A (optional enhancer)
4. Low Fat Milk (optional)

Blend till smooth and Dragon Fruit Juice is ready to serve.

Enjoy your Dragon Fruit Juice and have a happy a day!.

*Nutrilte Pack A = Daily-1, B Complex-2, BioC-2, Lecithin E-2, CalMgm-2

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