
Saturday, May 7, 2011

EATING RAW - THE RAINBOW SALAD and Food are Color Coded by Nature

Eating the Rainbow
Capsicum Salad with Tuna Dressing

Mother Nature has somehow colour coded the Vegetables and Fruits that different elements are reflected in different colours have nutritional values bring us health benefits.

This Capsicum Salad is easy to make and delicious to eat. The best test is my mom, a very tranditional oriental lady who would try to avoid raw western food, and she put her thumb-up for this salad.

Ingredients :
1. Capsicum - 3 colours - Green, Red, and Yellow
2. Brocholli
3. Celery
4. Tomota
5. Grape

Steps to prepare Vegetable :
1. Wash all ingredients
2. cut Capsicum, Celery and Tomota to slices
3. Cut Brocholli into chewable size
4. Place on salad plate ready to serve

Steps to prepare Tuna Dressing :
1. One can of Tuna in Olive Oil, retain a small quanity of olive oil
2. add dashes of black pepper
3. add one table spoon of thousand islan
4. add one table spoon of Lemon Juice
5. Blend well, ready to serve

Fruits and Vegetables are gift from the Mother Nature, nutrinients are colour coded to give us clues and hints on how to use them for health theraphy, here are some information on the Colour Decolour.

Enjoy your Rainbow Eating


Guava, Watermelon, tomatoes, red grapefruit and Red Capsicum contain Lycopene which protects white blood cells so your body can fight infections.



Apricots, Papaya, Pumpkin, Carrots and Oranges, all contain carotenoids. The ingredient aids cell function by mopping up the toxins.


Broccoli, bok choy, lettuce, cabbage and spinach are packed with phytochemicals, lutein and folate. These antioxidants scoot around your body healing damaged cells. You could even say they’re your body’s mini medical team!


Eggplants, prunes, figs, and blue berries are loaded with more lutein and zeaxanthin which will help relax blood vessels and make it easier on your heart.


Onion, potatoes and bananas contain potassium, an anti-inflammatory that’ll help you say goodbye to aches and pains.

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