
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Sleep Well and Have a Good Morning Breakfast to Lose Weight

Sleep and Eat to burn fat!

Contrary to hearsay, pulling an all-nighter doesn't do your metabolism any good. Seven hours of sound sleep keeps hormonal levels in balance, which is essential for losing weight!

Don't skip breakfast or your body will try to conserve energy, resulting in less calories burned for the rest of the day.

The Bob Harper Weight Loss Rules

The Bob Harper Weight Loss Rules

Wt Control Mgt, weight control

Bob Harper, weight Loss expert

1.Drink a large glass of water before every meal

Just by drinking water, your body increases its burning of calories.

2. Eat Protein every meal

To feel satisfied and feeler for longer

3. Control your portions

4. Eat apple and berry every day

Low on calories and high in fibre, these fruits are also lower in cholesterol and help the body's blood-sugar control. Another Research indicates that phytochemicals in these fruits can also help balance the healthy bacteria in your gut, which can prevent weight gain.

5. No carbs after lunch

Even though you'll be craving potatoes, paste or bread for your evening meal. Carbs are forms of sugar, and sugar cues the pancreas to make more insulin, which in turn triggers appetite. The later in the day that you consume sugar, the more likely it is that you will get food cravings late at night, which are not a good thing. It is recommended to eat 'lean and green', the mix of proteins and fibre for dinner.

6. Avoid canned and processed food, and know your food labels .

7. Go to bed hungry

Denied fuel for more than five hours, your body will start burning its own fat and sugar. This means that if your dinner was at 8pm, you're burning fat by 1am. Further more, having fewer carbs in your blood stream allows your body to produce the hormones it needs to help sleep.

8. Make your own food and eat at least ten meals a week at home.

Allow portion control, cut down proccessed food.