PLANT-based nutrition can treat, prevent, reverse, and even abolish heart disease.
This revolutionary , scientifically proven, nutrition-based cure - along with lifestyle measures like exercise and stress management - for the world's Number 1 killer has long been advocated by several renowned heart health experts around the world.
Dr Bimal Chhajer, a well-known cardiologist and a pioneer in non-invasive cardiology in India, is an authority on heart health. He is a pioneering cardiologist who has developed the revolutionary SAAOI (The Science and Art of Living) Heart Program, one of the most popular non-invasive heart care and treatment Programmes in India, which has officially existed since 1995.
According to his book,
Reversal of Heart Disease in 5 Easy Steps, the SAA Programme- where treatment mode includes
yoga, diet (strictly vegetarian with zero oil) and stress management - has helped thousands of patients with heart decease without them undergoing bypass surgery and angioplasty.
Heart disease, according to him, is a disease of ignorance, misinformation and lack of proper knowledge. Reversing this common and dreadful disease I'd absolutely possible, he says.
"Factors aggravating the blockages are- excessive stress, lack of exercise, smoking, high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Almost all of them are related to related to our lifestyle....if we do not remove the causes of blockage, the disease and deposit grow.'
" the irony is that the modern medical science has not tried to remove the causes of the disease" but have instead "taught people to postpone the problem with the use of continuous medication".
Calling angioplasty and bypass surgery " temporary techniques ". Cardiologists, he says , "intervene the blockage by invasive procedures which are lucrative to them, without caring to cure the disease from the root".
Dr Caldwell Esselstyn Jr, ex-heart surgeon from the US, espouses a non-invasive cure from heart disease.
according to him, heart disease doesn't need to exist in the first place. And if it does, it can be reversed.
"We are on the cusp of what could be an absolute revolution in health- not dependent on pills , procedures or dependent on pills, procedures or operations, but
on lifestyle."
Essclstyn says.
Coronary artery disease is leading killer of people in Western civilization , and more than half a mllion people die of it every year in the US, but after learning that certain cultures around the world don't suffer from hear disease, Dr Esselstyn's career took a dramatic turn, going from surgeon to nutritionist.
The remedy for coronary heart disease is a plant-based diet, he says.
Learn to live with no meat No fish, no diary or oils of any kind, and making yourself 'heart attack proof", he advises.He now runs the cardiovascular prevention and reversal Programme at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute.
Every forkful of fat, he says, causes an immediate biochemical assault on the endothelium , the lining of arteries. White blood cells collect there, gobbling up bad cholesterol and creating fatty deposits over time.
For many people, especially those who smoke or have other risk factors, accumulation of plaque is a time bomb for coronary event.
Esselstyn says his diet works because it keeps the lining of blood vessels free of the dangerous blisters or bubbles or cholesterol -laden plaque that causes heart attacks.
Former US President Bill Clinton, who had 2 heart procedures since leaving office following ongoing heart problems, credit Esselstyn's heart-health diet Programme for his current weight loss and improved heart function which has now set him on the path to health.
Esselstyn's explanation :"
it's a food -borne illness, and we're never going to end the epidemic with by-passes or drugs, because none of it is treating causation of the illness," Dr Esselstyn told CNN.
Dean Ornish, MD
Chhajer's and Esselstyn's Breakthrough approach to heart disease is inspired by earlier works by cardiologist Dean Ornish, MD, director of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausaliyo, California , whose research shows that a vegetarian diet in which only 10% of calories are derived from fat actually reversed artery blockages in more than 80% of patients studied.
The Ornish diet program emphasizes the consumption of whole grains, fruits and vegetables , and severely restricts the consumption of animal products, dietary fat, and refined carbohydrate.
In addition to these dietary recommendations, the Ornish Program involves comprehensive lifestyle changes including moderate aerobic exercise, stress reduction techniques, peer support, smoking cessation, and nutritional supplementation.
The Programme has been shown to be beneficial for individuals with heart disease. Ornish conducted a res
earch on the dietary and lifestyle factors that lead to heart disease and to design clinical research trials that would allow him to study the effectiveness of dietary and lifestyle changes as a treatment for heart disease.
The results of his first clinical trial, the Lifestyle Heart Trial, were published in 1990. In this study, Ornish heart patients got healthier simply by adopting new dietary and lifestyle habits.
The results of this study were considered revolutionary since, until that point, it was believed that it was impossible to stop the progression of heart disease.
Dr Ornish's dietary and lifestyle recommendations have earned widespread popularity among patients and physicians as a way to prevent and reverse cardiovascular disease. His first book,
Dr Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease, published in 1990, has been a long-standing New York Times bestseller.
John McDougall, MD
Another medical doctor who has been spreading the world about health benefits of a low-fat, vegan diet for decades is John McDougall, MD, founder and director of McDougall Program at St. Helena Hospital in Napa, California .
He prescribes diet and lifestyle changes to treat health concerns. His diet Programme and books have helped thousands of of people reverse serious health conditions.
John and his wife. Mary, a nurse, have been speaking, writing, cooking , and teaching about the powerful health benefits of a plant-based diet for more than 35 years. Their books, which pair John's medical and nutritional advice with Mary's recipes, have sold more than 1.5million copies.
At Dr McDougall's Health and Medical Centre in Santa Rosa, California, the couple helps patients transform their health through diet and lifestyle changes. But it wasn't always like that. Before he could help others, McDougall first had to heal himself.
Growing up on a diet filled with meat, pizza, and butter, McDougall was overweight. At age 18, he suffered a massive stroke, leaving him with a limp he still carries today. He didn't , however, change his eating patterns. And he didn't change his eating patterns at age 22, when he learned his cholesterol was 338 mg/dL. After college, he enrolled in medical school at Michigan State University , where his medical education trained him to believe that his weight was genetic, so he still made changes.
It wasn't until he moved to Hawaii to practice medicine that he began to think otherwise . He noticed that the first-generation Japanese , Chinese, and Filipino workers who ate a traditional plant-based diet were healthier than their children who ate more fast food, meats, and cheeses.
Convinced that the modern diet was the root of most illness, McDougall crafted a low-fat, starch-based diet and eventually opened McDougall's Health and Medical Centre in Santa Rosa, California , to help people lose weight, slow and reverse such ailments as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, arthritis, serious bowel problems, and multiple sclerosis .
He advocates an eating plan of vegetables, whole grains, and fruits, with beans and starches at the centre. Those who come to the centre
get a medical checkup and participate in an intensive 10-day programme of nutrition Counselling , education, and exercise suggestions.
"I'm the luckiest doctor in the world, because my patients get well," he says. "other doctors give people bills, I 'm the doctor who takes them off drugs."
He and Mary also decided to adopt a plant-based diet. It didn't take long for McDougall to lose 60 pounds and drop his cholesterol to a healthy 150mg/dL.
The couple continues to eat this way. They get protein from beans, rice, and other plant foods. "All plant foods contain abundant amounts of protein and essential amino acids in perfect balance," McDougall says."The truth is, deficiency is impossible on a vegetarian diet based on starches, such as rice, corn, potatoes, and wheat."