
Friday, July 29, 2011

JW Energy Juicing : Spinach Juice is an effective Detox Juice, a Great Colon Cleanser and Blood Purifier.

Spinanch Juice is rich in Nutrients and High in Iron Content
Among the vegetables, spinach comes out at the top of the ranking list for nutrient richness in term of vitamins and minerals, Spinach is an excellent source of bone-healthy vitamin K, magnesium, manganese, and calcium; heart-healthy folate, potassium, and vitamin B6; energy-producing iron and vitamin B2; and free radical-scavenging vitamin A (through its concentration of beta-carotene) and vitamin C. It is a very good source of digestion-supportive dietary fiber, muscle-building protein, energy-producing phosphorus, and the antioxidants copper, zinc and vitamin E. In addition, it is a good source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, and heart-healthy niacin and selenium.

Spinach Juice is an effective Detox Juice especially excellent for Colon Cleanser and a great blood purifier.

it is concentrated in health-promoting phytonutrients such as carotenoids and flavonoids to provide body with powerful antioxidant protection. Its high content of iron is useful for removing anaemia, constipation, nervous disorders, neuralgic pains, sterility, fatigue. It tones up and rejuvenates nervous system.

Spinach Juice is delicious and smooth to drink when it is blended with Apple. Spinach Apple Juice is a good Nutrient Juice. No sugar or honey is needed since Apple serves as a good Juice base that further enrich nutrients to the Spinach.

How to Juice Spinach Juice :

1. Fresh Spinach, 30 gram

2. Green Apple – 1 piece

3. Ice Tube 5 pieces (Optional)

JW Energy Juicing Steps for Juicing Spinach Apple Juice :

1. Prepare Spinach Leaves, wash and rinse thoroughly. Then add Spinach Leaves to the Juicer

2. Wash Apple, cut into 4 pieced, remove seeds. Then add to the Juicer

3. Add water, about 150ml and ice tube

4. Turn the Juicer power on, blend well

5. Ready to serve

Health Benefits of Spinach Juice

Spinach Juice has high Chlorophyll content and is a great blood purifier and effective Colon Cleanser

The Spinach Juice is an excellent source of chlorophyll which is where its vibrant green color comes from.

Chlorophyll in Spinach helps promote the natural blood-cleansing functions of the body. It promotes strong immune response, an excellent Digestive Tract Detoxifier, and Supports Intestinal as well as Circulatory Health.

One cup of spinach has nearly 20% of the RDA of dietary fiber, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating.

Spinach is known to be an effective colon cleanser as well as an intestinal healer. Optimal health is not possible without a clean colon.

Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Cancer Benefits from Spinach Phytonutrients

The vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, manganese, zinc and selenium present in spinach all serve as powerful antioxidants that combat the onset of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and high blood pressure.

It is a very strong alkalizing food which is important for keeping a proper pH in the body. Spinach has been shown, in many studies, to have strong anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties.

Researchers have identified more than a dozen different flavonoid compounds in spinach that function as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents. These spinach extracts have been shown to slow down cell division in human stomach cancer cells and in studies on laboratory animals, to reduce skin cancers. A study on adult women living in New England in the late 1980s also showed intake of spinach to be inversely related to incidence of breast cancer.

Excessive inflammation typically emerges as a risk factor for increased cancer risk. That's why many anti-inflammatory nutrients can also be shown to have anti-cancer properties. But even when unrelated to cancer, excessive inflammation has been shown to be less likely following consumption of spinach. Particularly in the digestive tract, reduced inflammation has been associated not only with the flavonoids found in spinach, but also with its carotenoids.

Spinach Juice helps maintains Density of Bones

One cup of boiled spinach provides over 1000% of the RDA of vitamin K that can prevent excess activation of osteoclasts (the cells that break down bones), as well as promote the synthesis of osteocalcin, the protein that is essential for maintaining the strength and density of our bones.

Spinach Juiuce enhances Vision Health

Both antioxidants Luntein and zeaxanthin are especially plentiful in spinach and protect the eye from cataracts and age-related Macular Degeneration

Some Negative Concerns to note when consume Spinach :

Spinach and Oxalates

Spinach is among a small number of foods that contain measurable amounts of oxalates, naturally occurring substances found in plants, animals, and human beings. When oxalates become too concentrated in body fluids, they can crystallize and cause health problems. For this reason, individuals with already existing and untreated kidney or gallbladder problems may want to avoid eating spinach. Laboratory studies have also shown that oxalates may interfere with absorption of calcium from the body.

Spinach and Purines

Spinach contain naturally occurring substances called purines. Purines are commonly found in plants, animals, and humans. In some individuals who are susceptible to purine-related problems, excessive intake of these substances can cause health problems. Since purines can be broken down to form uric acid, excess accumulation of purines in the body can lead to excess accumulation of uric acid. The health condition called "gout" and the formation of kidney stones from uric acid are two examples of uric acid-related problems.

To know about Health Benefits of Apple :

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

JanetCookingFun Salmon Recipe : Pan Fried Salmon with Balsamic Dressing Mixture Sauce

Janet Cooking Fun Fish Recipe : Pan Fried Salmon with Balsamic Dressing Mixture Sauce

Salmon is an immensely popular fish due to it is high in essential omega-3 fatty acids.

Health Benefits of  Eating Salmon
The numerous health benefits of this essential fatty acid contain in Salmon fish include the reduction in the risk for fatal heart arrhythmia. It also helps lower triglycerides which are linked to cardiac diseases while boosting HDL cholesterol, the good cholesterol. Eating salmon has also helps to prevent high blood pressure. Moreover, due it being an anticoagulant for blood, t
hese fatty acids help in the prevention of strokes. Salmon also has numerous benefits pertaining to heart functionality and blood flow.

Besides, Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which known to support brain function by increasing the memory, relax the brain and prevent age related decline in brain function which induced Alzheim er’s desease.

Ingredients for Pan-Fried Salmon :
A, Salmon Main Course Ingredients

 Salmon Fish - 180 to 200g

 Season with salt and Chicken Stock Powder

B. Garnishing Ingredients

 French Bean

 Carrot

C. JW homemadeBalsamic Dressing Mixture Sauce Ingredients

 Balsamic Dressing - Rice Bran Oil Dressing (Brand Alfa One) - 4 Tsp

 Soy Sauce – 1 Tablespoon

 Honey – 1 Tablespoon

 Chicken Stock Powder – 1 teaspoon

 Sugar – 1 teaspoon

 Pepper – ¼ teaspoon

How to Cook a Pan-Fried Salmon Fish in Balsamic Dressing Sauce

1. Clean and pat dry Salmon. Slices the skin of salmon, marinate with salt and chicken stock powder.

2. Add oil to frying pan, heat the oil.

3. Place the salmon with skinned side down. Once Skin turns brown, turn the salmon over to another side, fry till cooked. The fried Salmon is put aside ready to serve.

4. With the pan that cooked the Salmon, place the bean into the pan, stir fry till 80% cook, place them on the serving plate. Garnish the plate with Bean and Carrot.

5. Prepare Balsamic Dressing Mixture Sauce by combining
all sauce ingredients in a big bowl, stir well until sugar is dissolved.

6. Pour the Mixture Sauce onto the base of the serving plate, and place the fried salmon on top of the Balsamic Dressing Mixture Sauce.

Fried Salmon in home-made Balsamic Dressing Mixture Sauce is ready to serve.
Tell me if you like it. Enjoy the Salmon Recipe !

Cooking is Fun!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

You're What You Eat : Healthy Meals that help in Weight Loss, Stablizes Your Blood Sugar, and Boost Your Energy

Meals That Can Boost Your Metabolism, Help You to Lose Weight and Stay Slim, and Improve Your Immune System

You are What You Eat !
Eating the right food at the right time will increase your energy, help you to manage your weight and ward off major illness. Study after study has demonstrate that people who lose as little as 4kg reap all these rewards.
The meals that follow come courtesy of an exclusive weight-loss plan from Reader's Digest. Derive from the latest research, these meals deliver specific nutrients to help you fight disease and shed pounds. Not weight conscious ? You can still benefit from this plan; just allow yourself more generous portions .

1. Protein Power

One good idea emerged from all the controversy surrounding high-protein diets : Researchers have found that eating a meal with plenty of protein leaves you feeling more satisfied for longer when compared to a meal loaded with the low quality protein, leading to a gradual increase of blood sugar. Believe in Protein Power.
Many high-carbohydrate meals are absorbed quickly and send blood sugar on a roller coaster ride, taking your appetite with it and depleting your energy.

2. Disease-fighting at Lunch
Rainbow Salad with Tuna Sauce

Many foods contain antioxidants, but fruits and vegetables may be the richest source. Behaving like chemical warriors. Antioxidants neutralize molecules known as free radicals before arteries and other cells can be harmed. This protect you from heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer and diabetes, which is why antioxidant foods figure so prominently in recent studies.
Forget pills : Antioxidants work best when consumed in foods. In fact, the National Cancer Institute has been recommending more fruits and vegetables for men - up to nine daily servings. A serving equals a piece of fruit, a half-cup of cut vegetables, a cup of lettuce, or a small glass of juice. The typical salad delivers two to three servings. This lunch dishes up at least four antioxidant-rich servings of vegetables.

3. Fat-Burning at Dinner

The mineral calcium is a powerful weight-loss star, and weight-loss plans can capitalize on it. Scientists stumbled on calcium's magic by accident. In a Tennessee study of blood pressure in obese African Americans, people who added two cups of yoghurt a days to their diet lost an average of 5 kg of body fat in 1 year, even though they didn't eat less. A follow-up study found that people on high-calcium diet, the equivalent of over three daily servings of dairy, lost more weight and fat than dud people on a low-calcium diet- and again, both groups ate the same calories.
Researchers believe calcium works by encouraging fat-cells to stop getting fatter. Instead, the cells burn extra fat without your having to go anywhere near the treadmill. This dinner features tofu; it's calcium-rich and it helps lower blood cholesterol . More fat burners : milk, yoghurt  , cheese, canned fish, calcium-fortified juice.

4. Mediterranean Snack

The traditional Mediterranean diet offers an abundance of fruits and vegetables, legumes, cheese, wine , and healthy fats from nuts, olives and olive oil. The fish and nuts provide filling, healthy protein; the produce delivers loads if antioxidants. Researchers studying thousands of Greek adults found that those who most closely ate a Mediterranean diet were least likely to die from heart disease and cancer .

5. Eat More, Lose Weight : High Fibre Food

Yes, you can and no, this isn't a scam. Just pick foods rich in fibre. High-fibre foods have what's officially called low-energy density ; that translates to few calories relative to weight, which means you can pile your plate high with these foods without fear of calorie overload.
Fibre also aids weight loss because it's filling. Most high-fibre foods take a lot of chewing, triggering your body's fullness sensors. Plus, you absorb the food more slowly so you feel full longer and are less susceptible to hunger-inducing quick rise and fall of blood sugar.

6. Hot Tomato

Here's a finding any man could love : Harvard scientists discovered that eating plenty of pizza seems to lower the risk of prostate cancer. The protective ingredient is tomato sauce or ,more specifically, the plant pigment lycopene in tomato sauce. The substance is most concentrated in cooked tomato products like sauce, ketchup and tomato soup ; cooking also makes it easier for the body to absorb.
Preliminary research on women suggests a diet rich in lycopene and tomato sauce may lower a woman's risk for breast and other cancer, as well as heart disease.
More Lycopene-rich food:
Pink grapefruit; watermelon

7. Smart Food : Fish

Studies abound on the health benefits of eating fish : lower risk of stroke in men eating fish at least once a month; reduced risk of Alzheimer's among people eating fish at least once a week; and heart health from two weekly servings of fatty fish (salmon, tuna, sardines). Though there are concerns about mercury levels in fish, only a few are worrisome. Most people can safely eat a few servings a week.
More Good Fatty Fish Options : Trout, sea bass, bluefish, catfish

extract from Reader Digest - Dec 2010

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fish Recipe - Ginger Fish in Sesame Oil

Fish is a good source of Protein, and the sea fish contains LDL which is helpful to lower cholesterol. support Heart Health and it is a preferred selection for Diabete patient,

This dish is easy to cook and delicious.

Ingredients  for Ginger Fish in Sesame Oil ::

 1. Fish, 1 piece,

2. Ginger, 2 Tsp

3. Peanut Oil, 3 Tsp

4. Saseme Oil, 2 Tsp

5. Soy Sauce, 1 Tsp

6. Sugar, 1 tsp

7. Pepper, a dash

8. Salt, to rub on the Fish

How to cook Ginger Fish in Sesame Oil :

• Wash the fish clean and pat it with a kitchen paper.

• Rub the salt over the fish

• Heat Peanut Oil in a frying pan, fry Fish for about 5 minute, till cook

• Place the fish on the serving plate

• Clean the Pan, heat Sesame Oil, stir fry ginger till brown,
Add Soy Sauce, Sugar, and Pepper,
Add ¼ cup of water, stir mix well
Pour the Sauce over the cooked fish

• Ready to serve

Sesame Oil : Health Benefits of Sesame Oil

Sesame oil has vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that neutralizes damaging free radicals. It also contains calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, and zinc, and these vitamins and minerals help everything from bones to metabolism to enzyme function.

The mineral zinc in sesame oil, promotes healthy bones. Sesame oil contains copper which helps in rheumatoid arthritis relief. Calcium mineral in sesame oil, helps in the prevention of many health problems, like migraine, PMS, osteoporosis and colon cancer. Magnesium content in this oil, helps to maintain respiratory and vascular health.

Internally sesame oil appears to offer many benefits. For instance, it is reported to improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue and insomnia. It may also alleviate joint dryness and act as a mild laxative to prevent constipation. Some people also claim sesame oil treats dizziness, headaches, menopausal symptoms, respiratory problems, and nasal dryness. In addition, it seems to have antibacterial properties and prevents certain types of cancer

Sesame oil is an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids including omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are necessary for growth and development and strong evidence supports their role in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and arthritis. Sesame oil has been shown to help lower blood pressure, increase good cholesterol, decrease bad cholesterol levels and help maintain normal blood pressure levels?these effects have been primarily attributed to the naturally high polyunsaturated fat content found in sesame oil. Consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids may also help to prevent osteoporosis caused by estrogen deficiency, although the exact mechanism remains unknown.

Ginger - Health Benefits of Ginger
Ginger has been revered for thousands of years as a universal medicine,especially in areas like China and India. It has been said to help provide relief for conditions like asthma, painful menstruation, migraines, indigestion and infection.
Ginger root is full of natural anti-inflammatories.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Apple and Apple Juice Benefits : help Improving Memory Loss

Research Shows Benefits Of Apple Juice On Neurotransmitter Affecting Memory

ScienceDaily (Aug. 1, 2006) — For those who think that apple juice is a kid's drink, think again. Apples and apple juice may be among the best foods that baby boomers and senior citizens could add to their diet, according to new research that demonstrates how apple products can help boost brain function similar to medication.

Animal research from the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) indicates that apple juice consumption may actually increase the production in the brain of the essential neurotransmitter acetylcholine, resulting in improved memory. Neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine are chemicals released from nerve cells that transmit messages to other nerve cells. Such communication between nerve cells is vital for good health, not just in the brain, but throughout the body.

"We anticipate that the day may come when foods like apples, apple juice and other apple products are recommended along with the most popular Alzheimer's medications," says Thomas Shea, Ph.D., director of the UML Center for Cellular Neurobiology and Neurodegeneration Research.

The study will be published in the August issue of the international Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. The abstract is now available online at

The role of acetylcholine in the brain is not a new area of research. Alzheimer's medication studies start with the premise that increasing the amount of acetylcholine in the brain can help to slow mental decline in people with Alzheimer's disease. Testing a similar hypothesis, the UML research team found that having animals consume antioxidant-rich apple juice had a comparable and beneficial effect.

In this novel animal study at UML, adult (9-12 months) and old (2-2.5 years) mice, some specially bred to develop Alzheimer's-like symptoms, were fed three different diets (a standard diet, a nutrient-deficient diet, and a nutrient-deficient diet supplemented with apple components (in this case, apple juice concentrate was added to their drinking water).

Among those fed the apple juice-supplemented diet, the mice showed an increased production of acetylcholine in their brains. Also, after multiple assessments of memory and learning using traditional Y maze tests, researchers found that the mice who consumed the apple juice-supplemented diets performed significantly better on the maze tests.

"It was surprising how the animals on the apple-enhanced diets actually did a superior job on the maze tests than those not on the supplemented diet," remarks Dr. Shea.

Earlier studies by Shea's research team had strongly suggested apples must possess a unique mix of antioxidants that improve cognition and memory via inhibition of oxidation in the brain. Those results encouraged Shea to evaluate the neurotransmitter effect, as is done in the current study. Medications given to humans with Alzheimer's disease have been shown to inhibit the production of specific enyzmes (cholinesterase inhibitors) that break down acetylcholine in the brain. The end result in the animal study is similar -- there are more of these critical messengers remaining in the brain to enhance memory.

The results obtained were from the animals consuming moderate amounts of apple juice --comparable to drinking approximately two 8 oz. glasses of apple juice or eating 2-3 apples a day. The findings also suggest that the apple-supplemented diet was most helpful in the framework of an overall healthy diet.

Shea concludes, "The findings of the present study show that consumption of antioxidant-rich foods such as apples and apple juice can help reduce problems associated with memory loss."

Shea also notes that a human clinical study evaluating consumption of apple products will begin in the near future.

This study was sponsored through an unrestricted grant by the U.S. Apple Association and the Apple Products Research and Education Council.

Link to ScientificDaily

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fish Recipe : Thai Style Steam Fish and Benefits of Eating Fish

Many research studies have reported on the benefits of Eating Fish as a good source of Protein, low calory and cholesterol, as well as rich in non-saturated fatty acid that is essential for maintaining good health for Heart Functioning.

I personally like this dish for its delicious taste, and in additional to that, the steamed sauce which comprises of Garlic and Pasley are both the enhancer for Good Heart Health, lowering High Blood Pressure and Cholesterols.



1. Fish, about 300g

2. Dash of Salt

3. Some coriander sections


1. Chopped Red Chilli, 1 Tsp

2. Chopped Coriander Stalh, 2 Tsp

3. Minced garlic, 2 Tsp

4. Thai Chilli Sauce, 3 Tsp

5. Fresh Lemon Juice, 3 Tsp

6. Fish Sauce, 2 Tsp

7. ½ cup of Water, or Stock

1. Onion 1/2 - slices
2. Coriander Leaves

How to Cook Thai Style Steam Fish

1. Prepare fish, clean and, pet dry. Cut slits on the fish where the fresh is thick. Rub salt on the fish and place on a steaming dish

2. Bring water in the steamer to boil.

Steam fish over high heat for 8 to 10 minutes, or till cooked. Pour away the steaming liquid

3. Mixed well the Sauce. Pour the sauce mixture overall the steamed fish. Steam again for a minute. Remove.

4. Decorate the steamed fish with Coriander leaves and chilli.

Ready to serve.

** TIPS : The steaming fish liquid has a fishy taste and smell, hence it is best to discard the liquid so it does not affect the flavour of the dish.

Benefits of Eating Fish
But last October the Harvard School of Public Health reviewed existing studies that looked at the health effects of eating fish -- and the jury's come back in favor of... eating fish!

The Harvard study recommended eating up to two portions of fish a week and that eating fish could cut the risk of death from heart disease by a third. The evidence across different studies showed that fish consumption lowers the risk of death from heart disease by 36 per cent.

The oils in some fish appear to reduce the blood from clotting by reducing the stickiness of the blood. The most beneficial fish in this context is oily fish such as salmon or mackerel. The researchers also suggested that eating that amount of fish or fish oil intake reduces total mortality by 17 per cent.

more info :

Friday, July 1, 2011

Beetroot Juice Stengthens Heart Health, Lower Blood Pressure, Boosts Stamina

JW Energy Juicing : Beet root juice an excellent remedy for Heart Health, Increase Stamina and Lower Blood Pressure

Beet is a good tonic for health and it is a juicing root vegetable. The beet juice is considered as one of the best vegetable juice.

It was introduced to me at one time when I have breathing problem. I thought the symptoms were caused by weak lung, but it seems to be caused by irregular heart rhythm. Beetroot is well known to improve cardiovascular system. It is valuable in the treatment of hypertension, arteriosclerosis, heart trouble and varicose veins.

Beetroot juice is not only blessed with a beautiful red colour but also packed with nutrients. The deep red color of beetroot comes from betacyanin. This prevents from colon cancer.

Beetroots are a good source of folic acid and vitamin C. It also contains small amounts of vitamins B1, B2, B3, and vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene.

It is also rich in Mineral. Beetroot is rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium. Also, smaller amounts of iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium.

Energy Juicing Steps for Beetroot Juice :

Serving : 2 persons

Ingredient :
1. Beetroot Juice,1 piece, 2. Water 200ml
(May add Apple, Cucumber and Carrot, and one, or combination)

1. Remove Skin of Beetroot.

2. Slice avocado in 4 to 8 pieces, put Beetroot into a blender.

3. Add Water, ice cube of 8-10 pieces is optional.

4. Blend till smooth, Serve right away while fresh.

Beetroot Nutritional Value and Health Benefits are as follows :

Beetroot Juice strengthen Heart Health and lower Blood Pressure

The popular research surveys suggest with assurance that drinking beetroot juice is possible be a simple way to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. Coined as the new ‘super food’, it can drastically reduce high blood pressure.

As per the research studies, hypertension causes around 50 percent of the coronary heart disease and it is also the prime responsible factor for causing approximately 75 percent of strokes. However, the daily consumption of miraculous beetroot juice which can reduce this danger to a great extent. It is due to the chemical formation of nitrite from the dietary nitrate (a definite functional mediator of the beetroot juice) that reduces blood pressure. Thus, it is believed that beetroot juice is one of the natural, most inexpensive and easy ways to combat hypertension.

Beetroot carotenoids and flavanoids can help reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol which could lead to damaged artery walls and ultimately heart attacks and strokes.

It has been proven that regular consumption of beetroot juice helps to keep the blood pressure low and thereby prevents the blockage of arteries and thereby prevents heart failures and the like.

The nitrate content of beetroot juice helps lower blood pressure, research has shown.

A study in the US journal Hypertension found that blood pressure was reduced within 24 hours in people who drank beetroot juice or took nitrate tablets.

Beetroot Boosts Stamina

A recent study has revealed that beetroot increases stamina and energy levels in athletes. When the juice is consumed before exercise, it can help the individual work out up to 20% longer. Beetroot helps individuals achieve this increased stamina by reducing the oxygen uptake during exercise. This is very beneficial to active people, especially those who compete in endurance sports.

•Beetroot, carrot & apple juice (this mix can amazingly boost your energy levels

Beetroot Juice enhance Immune System and Improve General Health

It is known that o One of the main driving forces that makes organic beetroot juice a worthy contender in your daily diet is that it is infused and packed with nutrients. These include, caroteniods, folate, silica, magnesium, betacyanin, potassium, sodium, flavanoids, phosphorous, amino acids, folic acid, vitamin C, A, B1, B2 and B3.

Beetroot juice also helps in the overall improving of the immune system. This it does by regenerating the cells of the immune system. Beetroot juice also has a profusion of antioxidants, which destroy the free radicals and help thereby delay the process of aging as well as keep several diseases at bay.

Beetroot Juice is an excellent mean for Body System Cleanser

Beetroot Juice is an excellent juice for body cleansing and detoxification.

The beet root juice, in combination with carrot and cucumber, is one of the finest cleansing for kidneys and gall bladder. Beet root juice is highly beneficial in all disorders relating to these two organs.

Beetroot juice is also an excellent cleanser of the entire body as well as the liver and blood. Beetroot juice has the ability to flush out all the toxins from the body thus making the skin glow and getting the other bodily functions to improve drastically. It also cleanses the liver and thereby prevents any liver malfunctioning. Beetroot also cleanses the blood and thereby improves the circulation of the same.

• It is not advisable for those who are pregnant.